Microsoft Excel Odbc Driver Download
Aug 19, 2003 Excel ODBC Driver May Determine Wrong Data Type The Microsoft Excel Open Database Connectivity For the Microsoft Excel driver.
Office setup can be run again from the Change item when you highlight the Office listing in Control Panel/Programs and Features. You run the ODBC setup files there by choosing to install that feature.
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Mark L. Ferguson MS-MVP
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Mark L. Ferguson former MVP
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Are you running Win7 64bit. If so, launch c: windows SysWOW64 odbcsys32.exe and see if the drivers are there. I don t know why they are there on my system and not in the ODBC administrator in the Control Panel. Very irritating.
Ed Hansberry
Microsoft MVP Oct 2000 - Sep 2011
12 people found this helpful
Same aggravating problem here
And nowwhere on the internet i can find any solution.
I still used XP because Vista was no good and now there finally is a good OS i can t make invoices with it.
Maby i am cursed to use XP for the rest of my days
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I can tell you where to get the drivers for ODBC in place.
Go: C - windows-sysWOW64 - odbcad32.exe
Double click and you can view and add the drivers you would have found under say XP for Access up to 2007
If you can connect or if it will run I have yet to find out.
By default the ODBC panel in Control Panel seems to be directed at the c -windows - system32 folder and thus will not allow the addition of additional ODBC drivers as it comes up with the error message.
I suspect it may be necessary to change code in such as ODBC connections for ASP to reflect the 64 bit folder link.
Hope that thakes you someway further
18 people found this helpful
It is a bit tricky when one can not find his or her way out. Microsoft has changed its way of security for this settings and this is the reason why it s not straight away like in XP. This is the setting for Windows 7. It could be the same for Vista.
Solution :
Click on Start Control Panel Use the drop-down-menu Click on All Control Panel Items Administrative Tools Here you use the mouse curser to highlight
Data Sources ODBC and then you right-click on it. You click on Run as Administrator Click on Properties Security Edit Advanced Here you have to turn on or simply tick all boxes under Allow
except Special Permissions which should be left unchecked. Then confirm by Apply , OK Apply OK to close everything. Now you can click on the
Data Sources ODBC and under Drivers you will find everything there. Hurray..
7 people found this helpful
Apparently you have misread the order of the steps you took to do this. I as well as another person on this forum found that the Properties selection was unavailable after run as Administrator and even after trying a variety of permutations the driver
list you described was unavailable.
We would much appreciate a revision of your instructions so that we could achieve your results.
I very much want to create an ODBC connection to an ACCESS 2007 DB from a VB 200 app running on 64 bit Windows 7. If anyone can help me accomplish this I would be very grateful.
1 person found this helpful
I also have need to use the ACCESS 2007 ODBC connection using Sunbelt-plb PLBWIN application. I upgraded to Windows 7 and no where is the driver to be found. I also tried your proposed solution with no luck. Where you able to install the Access 2007
ODBC driver.
I think the answer is already here in this thread but it s not, imo, the post marked as Answer.
You need to use Windows 7 32-bit subsystem. In particular, you need to use the ODBC control panel here:
c: windows sysWOW64 odbcad32.exe
At least in my case, that version the 32 bit version of the cpl
did contain the Access 2003 in my case ODBC driver.
The 64 bit DLLs etc are in c: windows system32. The 32 bit subsystem so you can still run 32 bit apps on 64 bit Windows 7 is in c: windows sysWOW64.
I mean, that s very intuitive - right.
But I didn t post anything here until I could confirm that the 32 bit ODBC connection to Access was working giving me the db s data.
Well what I m trying to get to work goes through a bunch more complications: Tomcat, mondrian, edits to config files to point things in the right direction, etc.
But given that it all now works, I d say that the ODBC connection to the Access db must be working I m getting its data in the web interface to Mondrian. Mondrian is an open-source sourceforge OLAP project. It s also bundled with other BI stuff at:
The default data store for Mondrian on Windows is Access.
So the key is to use c: windows sysWOW64 odbcad32.exe
118 people found this helpful
I followed the procedure as mentioned above. Unfortunately, without any luck.
Our database is MaxDb
I have a windows 7 machine with access 2007.
Thanks to the above procedure, I can select the SAP Db driver version but each time i d like to create a system-dsn I receive following error:
This application uses CTL3D32.dll, which has not been correctly installed. CTL3D32.dll must be installed in the windows directory.
When I click on OK, I can continue with the procedure in order to create a datasource.
Nevertheless, once I launch access and open the ODBC-database, I obtain an empty tables box.
So, I started to search the internet for a solution.
Unfortunately, no solution found.
Downloading the corresponding dll-file in order to overwrite the existing one is something someone told me not to be done.
Conclusion: Is there anyone who can help me with this problem.
Info: I m no expert it s a small company without an ICT er ;- but i d like to install this one on my own.
1 – Uninstall Microsoft Office 2007-2003
2 – Install these drivers 64bit version - Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable you can only install these if you uninstall Office 2007-2003 first
C06B8369-60DD-4B64-A44B-84B371EDE16D displaylang en
3 – You can Reinstall Office 2007-2003 if you want
4 – You are good to go with the 64 version ODBC drivers installed for Microsoft products
It s Working for me in my Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 DSN-ODBC connection
2 people found this helpful
I have an even deeper question. I have an application that checks for the DSN when the login form loads if it doesn t exist it creates a SYSTEM DSN. On windows 7 64bit it doesn t work to create a SYSTEM DSN. I changed the code out of curiosity and it will
create a USER DSN. Here is my code: ODBC_ADD_DSN has a value of 1 as a constant and it creates a USER DSN. I have another constant that has a value of 4 and it creates a SYSTEM DSN. I thought the problem was in the way I create the connection but it works
for a USER DSN. If anybody knows why this is happening it would be great. CODE BELOW
Sub MakeDSN ByVal sDSN As String, ByVal sDriver As String, ByVal sDBFile As String, ByVal lAction As Long
Dim sAttributes As String
Dim sDBQ As String
Dim lngRet As Long
Dim hKey As Long
Dim regValue As String
Dim valueType As Long
query the Registry to check whether the DSN is already installed
open the key
zero means no error Retrieve value of DBQ key
regValue String 1024, 0
Allocate Variable Space
If RegQueryValueEx hKey, DBQ, 0, valueType, regValue, Len regValue 0 Then
zero means OK, so we can retrieve the value
If valueType REG_SZ Then
sDBQ Left regValue, InStr regValue, vbNullChar - 1
End If
End If
close the key
RegCloseKey hKey
End If
Perform the action only if we re adding a DSN that doesn t exist
or removing and existing DSN
If sDBQ And lAction ODBC_ADD_DSN Or sDBQ And lAction ODBC_ADD_SYS_DSN Or sDBQ And lAction ODBC_REMOVE_DSN Then
check that the file actually exists
If Len Dir sDBFile 0 Then
MsgBox Database file doesn t exist., vbOKOnly vbCritical
Exit Sub
sAttributes DSN sDSN vbNullChar DBQ sDBFile vbNullChar
lngRet SQLConfigDataSource 0, lAction, sDriver, sAttributes
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load
Dim sDriver As String
Dim sName As String
Dim sFile As String
sDriver Microsoft Access Driver . mdb
sName BuyHere
sFile C: Data data.mdb
MakeDSN sName, sDriver, sFile, ODBC_ADD_DSN
hi dear, i am also facing the same problem in connecting my jsp application with mc access on window 7 64bit but now i have a solution for it just follow the steps:
1. open c drive- windows- syswow64
2.then run odbcad32.exe present in syswow64 folder
3. after opening it you can add your ms access database that you already made using ms access for ex. database.mdb
hope you knw how to add database and then just click ok
4 after adding it just close it and if u want to check it just go to control panel and check database source in addminstr tools where now, u ll find your ms access database
5. if you again facing problem just write it there
hope your problem will b solve
This link helped me. I made a shortcut on the desktop with C: windows SysWOW64 odbcsys32.exe as the target. Then, instead of going through Administrative Tools to ODBC item, I just launch it from the desktop. Voila. The missing Access ODBC choice
is there under both user and system DSN. It seems they didn t bother to make 64-bit drivers for these in Windows 7, which is why they don t show up when you go the normal route to the ODBC menu. Not very professionalI wonder if they know how many peoples
lives they have made miserable troubleshooting this.
Thanks very much, this fix worked. As the odbc admin console runs normally in x64, hence if you run in a x32 mode you get options of all the x32 software e.g. access, excel etc.
I know this is dated, but the order is correct. After you right-click and choose Run as Administrator, right-click again on the same icon and choose properties -- you can now alter the permissions of the program as the poster suggested.
Help - I ve tried all seemingly appropriate fixes presented here in this thread; however, I still can t get out of the gate.
I m on Vista Home Prem - The app i m trying to use was dev d before Vista but it s functionality feels intuitive enough and is simple enough as to, seemingly, not preclude it s use on any Win OS.
I have no DB progrmng experience but I have a gut feeling that there is a solution.
I would be most appreciative of anyone taking a few mins to look at the exception below and maybe offer a suggestionor telling me in no uncertain terms that this will never work and to stop trying to pound a square peg into a round hole.
Exception Text
System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: ERROR IM002 Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager Data source name not found and no default driver specified
at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.HandleError OdbcHandle hrHandle, RetCode retcode
at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnectionHandle..ctor OdbcConnection connection, OdbcConnectionString constr, OdbcEnvironmentHandle environmentHandle
at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnectionOpen..ctor OdbcConnection outerConnection, OdbcConnectionString connectionOptions
at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnectionFactory.CreateConnection DbConnectionOptions options, Object poolGroupProviderInfo, DbConnectionPool pool, DbConnection owningObject
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.CreateNonPooledConnection DbConnection owningConnection, DbConnectionPoolGroup poolGroup
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionFactory.GetConnection DbConnection owningConnection
at System.Data.ProviderBase.DbConnectionClosed.OpenConnection DbConnection outerConnection, DbConnectionFactory connectionFactory
at System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection.Open
at KADU.KADUFunctions.KADUMDBConnect String MDBPath
at KADU.PlayerFileIO.ClearKADU_MDB
at KADU.PlayerFileIO.WriteToKADU_MDB Player Players
at DMBPlayerEditor.frmMain.btnExportKADU_Click Object sender, EventArgs e
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick EventArgs e
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp MouseEventArgs mevent
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp Message m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc Message m
at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc Message m
at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc Message m
at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc Message m
at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam
Loaded Assemblies
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.3623 GDR.050727-3600
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/Microsoft.NET/Framework64/v2.0.50727/mscorlib.dll
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version:
CodeBase: file:///C:/dmb9/KADU/KADU.exe
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Windows.Forms/
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.3620 GDR.050727-3600
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System/
Win32 Version: 2.0.50727.3053 netfxsp.050727-3000
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_MSIL/System.Drawing/
Assembly Version:
Win32 Version: 0.07.0
CodeBase: file:///C:/dmb9/KADU/KADU_Library.DLL
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_64/System.Data/
CodeBase: file:///C:/Windows/assembly/GAC_64/System.Transactions/
I hit start/administrative tools/data sources odcb and right mouse clicked on it and selected properties. I choose the shortcut tab and I changed the pointer in the target field to c: windows sysWOW64 odbcad32.exe and start in field to c: windows sysWOW64.
Works perfectly now.
The following KB article provides additional information on how to create DSNs that make use of Office ODBC drivers on 64 bit versions of Windows.
2721825Unable to create DSN for Microsoft Office System Driver on 64-bit versions of Windows
Hopefully this helps.
Best Regards,
Nathan O.
Microsoft Online Community Support
3 people found this helpful
I spent half a day trying to find this answer, and I didn t realize that some other people had posted the same answer, but they just kept saying use odbcad32, like I was supposed to know what that meant. Thank you so much for spelling it out. Your post
ended a two-day headache for me.
Everyone is asking the same question, but no one from Microsoft has given a good answer. I m the other people have started the c: windows sysWOW64 odbcad32.exe just as I did; however, there is only one drive and not the right one. It tells you to use
the driver installation tool, but I can t find it. My guess is the only provide the one driver for the version of windows 7 I have unless you purchase the Office package. There is a reason everyone asks the same question without a plausible answer.
Same turmoil,
My solution was two days of reading every post I could to finally realize that a lot of misdirection is going on in this thread. Using the
c: windows sysWOW64 odbcad32.exe path as often mentioned gives no joy.
My scenario:
Using Windows 8.1, running Access 2013 and trying to connect to a web based
.accdb file.
Already have the IIS configured Internet Information Services. You may need to turn that on too through the Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Programs and Features
Neither the 32-bit or 64-bit managers under control panel have the correct driver you see only drivers for the older extension. mdb.
Solution, download:
Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 Redistributable
When you install this engine, you will then see the mdb. accdb driver listed in both of the ODBC managers.
Search for this and it will pop up as a 32 and 64 bit version. I downloaded both. Not sure but you may only need the 32 bit drivers for ACCESS
As I thought everything on my new laptop was 64 bit, I loaded the 64 bit version first. Turns out, Access could use the 64 bit driver to connect to the web but all that came back were the headers and table structure, no data so after searching for errors
in code I had a hmmm moment.
First you have to delete those 64 bit connections then DELETE the 64bit MS Access DB Engine 2010 ReDist from your program files and then load the 32 bit version.
When I recreated the connections using 32 bit drivers, data loaded.
Knowing what I know now, I would have loaded the 32 bit to start with.
Apparently if everything in the stream is not 64bit, like the server the 64 bit drivers will not work completely.
Hope this helps someone.
Office setup can be run again from the Change item when you highlight the Office listing in Control Panel/Programs and Features. You run the ODBC setup files there by choosing to install that feature.
118 people found this helpful.
Windows Data Access Components Microsoft Open Database Connectivity ODBC Microsoft Excel Driver Programming Considerations.
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